Bird Watching

Top Bird Species to Spot in Osoyoos

A California quail with a plume on its head standing on grass with a blurry greenish-yellow background.

With its unique desert ecosystem, Osoyoos is a top destination for birdwatchers. This area is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, from the commonly seen California Quail to the rare Western Tanager. Here, we explore the most common and rare bird species in Osoyoos and where to spot them.

Common Bird Species in Osoyoos

California Quail

The California Quail is a small ground-dwelling bird, easily recognized by its distinctive topknot of feathers. These birds are highly social, often seen darting across paths and hiding in bushes. They thrive in various environments, from deserts to residential areas. In Osoyoos, you're likely to spot them throughout the region, especially at the Osoyoos Desert Centre and in residential gardens.

Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebirds are a sight to behold with their bright blue feathers and rusty red breasts. They prefer open woodlands and fields, where they perch on posts and branches. The Osoyoos Desert Centre is a great place to find them, particularly around nesting boxes placed in open areas. Their bright colours and melodious songs make them a favourite among birdwatchers.

American Kestrel

The American Kestrel, North America's smallest falcon, is known for its striking face pattern and agile flight. These birds prefer open areas like fields and deserts. In Osoyoos, you can often see them hovering and diving at the Osoyoos Desert Centre and in surrounding open fields. Their keen hunting skills and distinctive calls make them an exciting find for any birdwatcher.

Waterfowl and Shorebirds

Cinnamon Teal

Cinnamon Teals are striking ducks with cinnamon-coloured plumage. They thrive in shallow waters and wetlands, making Osoyoos Lake and the Oxbows perfect spots to observe them. Watching these vivid ducks dabble, and forage is a delightful experience for birdwatchers.

Green-winged Teal

The Green-winged Teal is a small, colourful duck with a distinctive green patch on its wing. Preferring wetlands and shallow waters, these teals are frequently seen at Osoyoos Lake and the Oxbows. Their quick, agile movements and beautiful colouring make them a joy to watch.

Long-billed Curlew

The Long-billed Curlew, North America's largest shorebird, is known for its long, curved bill. These birds frequent wetlands and grasslands. They can be found along the shores of Osoyoos Lake and in wetland areas. Their unique appearance and feeding habits make them a fascinating species to observe.


Red-tailed Hawk

The Red-tailed Hawk is a large and powerful raptor, easily identified by its reddish tail. These birds prefer open fields and deserts, often soaring above the Osoyoos Desert Centre and other open areas. Their impressive hunting skills and majestic flight are captivating sights.

Golden Eagle

Golden Eagles are renowned for their size and striking golden nape. They inhabit open and semi-open areas, often seen perched high or soaring in the skies around Osoyoos. Spotting one of these magnificent birds is a highlight for any birdwatcher.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagles, with their iconic white heads and tails, are frequently found near large bodies of water. In Osoyoos, they are common around Osoyoos Lake and the Oxbows. These majestic eagles are a powerful symbol of wilderness and are always a thrilling sight.

Rare and Migratory Birds

Western Tanager

Western Tanagers are brightly coloured birds with red, yellow, and black plumage. They prefer forests and woodlands, making forested areas and the Osoyoos Desert Centre ideal spots to find them. Their striking colours and beautiful songs make them a rare and delightful find.

Lazuli Bunting

Lazuli Buntings are small birds known for their bright blue and orange colours. They thrive in shrublands and open areas. They are often found in the Osoyoos Desert Centre and open fields. Their bright plumage and sweet songs make them a favourite among birdwatchers.

Pygmy Owl

Pygmy Owls are tiny owls, active during the day and at dusk. These owls inhabit forests and woodlands, occasionally seen in forested areas and open woodlands in Osoyoos. Spotting one of these small but fierce predators is a rare treat for any bird enthusiast.


Osoyoos offer various bird species, from ordinary residents to rare visitors. Osoyoos is a birdwatching paradise. Explore its diverse habitats and enjoy this unique region's remarkable birdwatching opportunities.